
We are re-evaluating this writer's group and whether or not it meets the need of women writers. Until then, all gatherings are on hold. Stay tuned for updates! Thank you for your patience. Your feedback would be helpful in making this decision.

Grace & peace,

~ deAnn Roe
director of creative arts
717-755-0089 x126

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Some Good News!

Well, I'm happy to report that the damage is not severe at Bethlehem United Methodist Church. I haven't gone inside but from the outside the roof looks good. The clock face on the bell tower was lite up nicely this morning! I'm not sure what the deal was but the fire trucks were here until near 11pm last night. They took in big fans to clear the air of smoke, I'm guessing.

The photo here of the bell tower with an amazing sunrise was taken early last month. The sunrise was mesmerizing, always changing and always becoming more vivid. This is just one of many shots I took that crisp morning.

Okay, now for writing related things. I hope that you can steal time this holiday weekend to write. If anything, after Thanksgiving dinner (if you aren't ready for a nap) write about that experience. What was served, who cooked, what family members were there, what was the relational dynamics like, did you eat at Cracker Barrel instead? Oh my...that has the potential to be a very interesting piece of work. I'm going to take my laptop to my in-laws house on Thanksgiving. The stories from that experience will certainly be worth writing about!

Happy Thanksgiving ~ Celebrate all the good that is in your life!

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