
We are re-evaluating this writer's group and whether or not it meets the need of women writers. Until then, all gatherings are on hold. Stay tuned for updates! Thank you for your patience. Your feedback would be helpful in making this decision.

Grace & peace,

~ deAnn Roe
director of creative arts
717-755-0089 x126

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Give Voice

The heart of Reflective Souls is to discover your voice and courageously allow it to speak. But many things keep our voice hidden deep within the caverns of our soul. Fear is one of the biggest silencers of our voice.

What actually is our voice? It is our truest self and she lives deep inside us. However, we have another less appreciated voice, the inner critical voice, that often speaks louder. This voice tells us lies and does everything it can to keep us afraid of finding our own voice. The inner critical voice tells us we have no talent and leads us to believe something bad will happen if we express our creativity. Fear keeps our creative voice silently hidden away.

The only remedy for our fear is love: perfect Love casts out all fear. Listening to the voice of God who is Love helps us to defeat our fears. We recognize God's voice because it tells us we are loved, worthy, and talented. As we listen to the Holy Spirit, who urges us to love ourselves as God loves us, we learn to love even the frightened part of ourselves. "Like a sculptor, we will have chipped away at the frozen fear to reveal the beautiful creation inside."

Allow not fear to determine your voice, allow God.

grace & peace on the written journey ~ deAnn

(this post is inspired by and includes lines from a fabulous book I'm eating up, "Creativity and Divine Surprise by Karla M. Kincannon)

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