
We are re-evaluating this writer's group and whether or not it meets the need of women writers. Until then, all gatherings are on hold. Stay tuned for updates! Thank you for your patience. Your feedback would be helpful in making this decision.

Grace & peace,

~ deAnn Roe
director of creative arts
717-755-0089 x126

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Thank You Carol!

Thank you, Carol, for taking the lead at the August 12 gathering. I heard you did a fabulous job and used very creative ideas for writing prompts.

In fact, I heard that there was some amazing pieces of work from the girls at the gathering! We'd love to have your piece posted here on RS. If you are game, send your written piece to either me ( or Carol (

Our next gathering will be on Thursday, August 28. As we continue to see if meeting twice a month is a good thing - please let me know if you can attend on 8/28. I really appreciate it! I am beginning to dream up ideas for this gathering...

Grace & peace, deAnn

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