Dumb Little Man
I am horrible with grammar and punctuation. Thankfully, I have a friend who's genius with these two areas. I cling to her knowledge after writing and she helps to bring my piece to a polished shine.
After arguing with my son and husband about the punctuation of a sentence that was on the screen as "What About Bob," (the movie) concluded, I decided to hop online and locate some information (to prove I was RIGHT!) Well, I was not right, but neither was my son and husband.
Punctuation perplexes me and I need to study it more so I can be a better writer. I found this web site that may be helpful for you, it was helpful for me! It's called "Dumb Little Man," which just makes me laugh - but when you click on any of the info of interest, (Verb tense, run-on sentences, comma use, etc) you are taken to OWL, the Online Writing Lab provided by Purdue University, so it's totally legit. It's great stuff! Check it out as you are working on your writing project. If you can believe it, the information isn't even boring and dry! I find it interesting, actually.
Enjoy the writing life ~ deAnn
p.s. don't look too close at the punctuation of this post, I know there must be mistakes! I'm still learning, give me some grace! :0)